There is a wealth of information available for furthering your knowledge in veterinary diagnostic imaging. Below, we list a number of links for your review.
These links are being provided for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by AAVDI of any of the products, services or opinions of the organisation or individual. AAVDI bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external sites or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
What’s Your Diagnosis?
External Links

IVRA stands for the International Veterinary Radiology Association – an organization that encourages and promotes all forms of scientific endeavors and research involving veterinary radiology, as well as disbursing knowledge of veterinary radiology throughout the world, representing the radiology discipline in other veterinary organizations and encouraging training in veterinary radiology. Membership in the IVRA is open to all veterinarians and others who have a special interest in Veterinary Radiology; membership of AAVDI automatically makes you a member of IVRA. There is a strong sense of friendship and fellowship amongst IVRA members – more information and imaging resources can be found by clicking on the link above.
IVRA holds an international meeting once every three years – these meetings bring together veterinary radiologists and others who have an interest in veterinary diagnostic imaging from all over the world. The location varies on each occasion; participation from developing countries is strongly encouraged through travel scholarships.
The 2023 IVRA EVDI Joint Conference will be held in University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland from June 18th to June 23rd 2023. Registrations are now open – see the conference website for more details:

Veterinary Radiology MIRC
Interesting cases in veterinary radiology posted weekly by Dr. Adrien-Maxence Hespel, a Veterinary Radiologist currently working at the University of Tennessee.

Centre for Continuing Veterinary Education
This is a password protected site managed by the PGF, with case material provided by the veterinary radiologists at Veterinary Imaging Associates. Passwords are issued upon online application at the PGF web-page, the same page that you will access to see case material.

Centre for Continuing Veterinary Education - Distance Education
The CVE offer a range of imaging-focused courses throughout the year. Visit this site to see what you can learn from the comfort of your own home or practice, no matter where you are located

On this site you can review positioning tables for veterinary radiography or download a comprehensive set of instructions for creating your own technique chart. There are excellent descriptions of hip and elbow dysplasia, with emphasis on understanding hip and elbow scoring systems. You can use this site as a reference for your clients who need to know more about the own pets hip or elbow scores. There is also a contrast media shop, linked to instructions for doing contrast studies in cats and dogs.

AIS Penn-Hip Method
Antech Imaging Services (AIS) recently aquired the rights to the University of Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program – now AIS PennHip. Information about hip dysplasia and an explanation of the AIS PennHIP method of radiography of the coxofemoral joints is available here.

Have We forgotten Something?
If you have a resource we’ve missed, get in touch!